DUBLIN - Ronya's Viking Dublin


DUBLIN - Ronya's Viking Dublin


Get the extra! extra! read all about it on the Viking occupation of Dublin from a regular extra on the T.V Show Vikings! Allow Ronya to take you on a journey through pre medieval Dublin to understand why the Vikings came, saw and conquered (and also established commerce and lot's of constructive things) and how their legacy affects us to this day. Also discover why Ronya came, the way she sees the world and how her story effects us too.The travels and travails of the Norsemen and this woman of the north are parallel in many ways! 

Tour departs from: Behind Christchurch Cathedral on Winetavern Street.

Tour duration: one hour.

"My students talked about the experience all day and night. Even Kilmainham Gaol paled in comparison. I could tell that they had felt part of something important, something meaningful"- Marie Aarestrup Nielson

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